Photovoltaic panels capture free energy from the sun, which you can choose to self-consume and / or resell. Aztechsolar installation of solar panels can thus ensure regular income for 20 years thanks to the resale of the electricity produced, or else significantly reduce your electricity bills. It is therefore a cost-effective solution, in addition to being environmentally friendly. Discover all the advantages of photovoltaic solar panels: You can choose to directly consume the electricity you produce, for free! By choosing a self-consumption / resale mix, you meet your electricity needs and make a profit on the surplus You respect the environment with clean electricity: solar energy is available free of charge and sustainably It is possible to resell solar electricity at a very advantageous feed-in tariff of € 0.1873 per kWh. This price is higher than the one at which we buy the electricity. It is therefore interesting to resell all of the electricity to the network, which gener...