Photovoltaic panels capture free energy from the sun, which you can choose to self-consume and / or resell. Aztechsolar installation of solar panels can thus ensure regular income for 20 years thanks to the resale of the electricity produced, or else significantly reduce your electricity bills. It is therefore a cost-effective solution, in addition to being environmentally friendly.
Discover all the advantages of photovoltaic solar panels:
- You can choose to directly consume the electricity you produce, for free!
- By choosing a self-consumption / resale mix, you meet your electricity needs and make a profit on the surplus
- You respect the environment with clean electricity: solar energy is available free of charge and sustainably
It is possible to resell solar electricity at a very advantageous feed-in tariff of € 0.1873 per kWh. This price is higher than the one at which we buy the electricity. It is therefore interesting to resell all of the electricity to the network, which generates very interesting installation. In this way, your photovoltaic solar panels can allow you to generate significant income for 20 years.
How it works ?
Thanks to so-called "semiconductor" materials, photovoltaic panels produce electricity when they are illuminated by the sun. The cells that compose them transform solar energy into direct current. This is transformed into alternating current by an inverter for resale to the grid or for self-consumption.
Discover our article dedicated to the operation of photovoltaic solar panels
Can I install solar panels at home?
To install photovoltaic solar panels, it is not compulsory to live in the South of France. The ideal is to have a sunny roof slope with an inclination of 30 °, rather oriented to the south. Photovoltaics is therefore a possible solution everywhere in France.
But beware, the installation of solar panels is a delicate operation: it is important to call on a qualified professional for installation and connection to the network. Quelle Energie puts you in touch with its partner installers free of charge to guarantee you a quality installation!
The power of solar panels
The main technical characteristic to know to judge the performance of a photovoltaic solar panel is its power (in kW). This depends on the material and the surface of the panels. The production power, on the other hand, determines the capacity of solar panels to produce electricity under ideal conditions (inclination, sunshine, orientation, etc.).
Discover our article dedicated to the power of photovoltaic solar panels
The profitability of solar panels
The price of photovoltaic solar panels has fallen significantly in recent years and the income generated by resale to the grid allows the initial investment to be quickly amortized.
Taking into account the purchase price of photovoltaic electricity of which remains fixed for 20 years (duration of the buyback contract), the cumulative income allowed by this installation will be over 20 years. The gain is therefore. Solar panels are therefore well and truly profitable devices that generate significant income.
What maintenance?
Photovoltaic panels are reliable installations. However, a minimal maintenance is to be carried out regularly to check their good functioning, their efficiency and their power. This involves cleaning the panel modules and inspecting their general condition. This formality makes it possible to extend the life of your installation. Warning, this operation can be dangerous: very slippery modules can cause falls. It is therefore advisable to call in a qualified professional who is better able to carry out this maintenance in complete safety.
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